*Ruby Racko does not currently support Windows or Linux installation.*

Mac Installation Help

./playRacko: Permission Denied!

If you have followed the Mac installation instructions, you may run into a permissions error when trying to start the game for the first time.

To fix this error and give yourself permission to play Ruby Racko, enter chmod 755 playRacko when you are inside the "ruby-racko-0.1.0-osx" folder.

Using Finder Instead of the Terminal

Most of the Mac installation instructions involve moving files around on your computer. You can use the Finder app on your Mac to do this.

You can "unzip" the .tar.gz files by double-clicking them in the Finder.

You still need to use the terminal to:

1. Give yourself permission to read the "playRacko" file.
2. Start the game.

Getting Lost in the Terminal

If you're ever unsure of your current location when working in your Mac's terminal, use the pwd command.

The terminal will show you the full path to your current location.

GitHub Installation Help

Forking and Cloning Repos

See the GitHub documentation for more information about forking and cloning repositories.

Installing Ruby on a Mac

See the Ruby installation documentation for more information about installing Ruby on your machine.

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