Game Display Examples

Let's take a look at what the entire Game Display looks like at different points during the game.

During Setup

In this first image, we see the familiar Title Bar, followed by an empty Game Table (the game hasn't started yet!) and a Control Panel with options to allow the player to either "read" or "skip" the rules.

In this next example, we are a little further along in the game setup, but the game still hasn't begun. Only the Control Panel has changed.

During Your Turn

During your turn, you will see the full Game Table, including your rack.

At the End of the Game

When you win or exit Ruby Racko, you will see a "goodbye" message appended to the most recent image of your game.

In the image above, we see Bethanys-MBP:racko bethanywatson$ has appeared at the bottom of the terminal. This is the terminal's command line prompt.

When your command line prompt reappears, you can be sure that Ruby Racko has stopped running.

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